Got Questions?

  • Is this membership suitable for me if I have a busy schedule?e questions a potential student may have before purchase.

    Absolutely! The Nourished Life Society is designed with your busy schedule in mind. We understand the demands high-achieving women face, and our resources, including self-paced courses and flexible live sessions with recordings and an on-demand library, are tailored to accommodate your timetable. We're here to help you regain control of your time while prioritizing your health and well-being.

  • What if I'm not sure where to start on my wellness journey?

    No worries at all! Many of our members start with similar feelings. Our platform provides a wealth of resources, from personalized coaching to self-paced courses, to help you find your path. We'll work together to set meaningful goals and create a plan that aligns with your unique needs and desires. You're not alone on this journey – we're here to guide you every step of the way.

  • What sets The Nourished Life Society apart from other wellness memberships?

    hat makes us unique is our holistic approach, which addresses not just physical health but also mental well-being and personal growth. Our community is filled with high-achieving women just like you, creating a nurturing and empowering environment. We focus on self-compassion, realistic goals, and long-term transformation rather than quick fixes. Joining us means joining a supportive family dedicated to your success and well-being.

  • Will I really have time for live wellness classes and group coaching sessions?

    Absolutely. The live sessions are designed to be flexible and accommodating. You can choose the ones that fit your schedule, and they're also recorded, so you can access them at your convenience. These sessions are valuable opportunities to connect with our supportive community, gain expert insights, and make your well-being a priority.

  • I often struggle to stick with new programs, like this. How will this be different?

    We've been there too and it is our #1 priority that you have the support, guidance, and accountability needed to transform your life. Not only is Allison showing up consistently in the program and platform, but there is a dedicated Community Manager, plus there will be challenges, live events, and opportunities created to help hold you accountable.

  • What if I decide to cancel or no longer want to be a part of the program?

    First, we'd hate to see you go, and we believe that you will want to stay a part of the Nourished Life Society! However, we understand that sometimes things aren't the best fit. You can cancel your membership at any time, no questions asked. You may request a refund, only if you have purchased the annual membership.